Cookies are small text files stored in the internal memory of your browser. We use cookies only to measure and analyze our website traffic, with the aim of improving your user experience. We do not use data from cookies to gather personal information about you. Go to "Settings" in your browser to turn off and delete cookies. Here is a list of the cookies we use and how long they last for:
Necessary cookies
This is a small set of cookies that do not contain any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) that are strictly necessary for the website to function properly. These cookies cannot be disabled except by the user with their browser settings. Our necessary first party cookies are prefixed "ow_".
Cookie name: ow_csrf_token
Type: First party
Purpose: Security, ensure forms are submitted by the genuine user
Duration: 2 hours
Cookie name: ow_flash
Type: First party
Purpose: Communicating flash messages to user
Duration: 1 day
Cookie name: ow_last_activity
Type: First party
Purpose: Analyse how the website is used
Duration: 1 year
Cookie name: ow_last_visit
Type: First party
Purpose: Analyse how the website is used
Duration: 1 year
Cookie name: ow_visitor_consents
Type: First party
Purpose: Saves consent responses from anonymous users
Duration: 1 year
Statistical cookies
We use Google Analytics to measure how users interact with website content. As a user navigates between web pages, Google Analytics provides website owners JavaScript tags (libraries) to record information about the page a user has seen, for example the URL of the page..
Cookie name: _ga
Type: Third party
Purpose: Used to distinguish users
Duration: 2 years
Cookie name: _gid
Type: Third party
Purpose: Used to distinguish users
Duration: 24 hours
Cookie name: _gat_gtag_"property_id"
Type: Third party
Purpose: Used to throttle request rate
Duration: 1 minute